• Nếu đây là lần đầu tiên bạn ghé thăm Trang nhà Chút lưu lại, xin bạn vui lòng hãy xem mục Những câu hỏi thường gặp - FAQ để tự tìm hiểu thêm. Nếu bạn muốn tham gia gởi bài viết cho Trang nhà, xin vui lòng Ghi danh làm Thành viên (miễn phí). Trong trường hợp nếu bạn đã là Thành viên và quên mật khẩu, hãy nhấn vào phía trên lấy mật khẩu để thiết lập lại. Để bắt đầu xem, chọn diễn đàn mà bạn muốn ghé thăm ở bên dưới.

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  • Cách gắn MViet vào Forum

    Kinh chào Anh HoangVu,
    GC một lần nữa cám ơn Anh về phần Việt Hóa Forum. Tiện đây cũng muốn hỏi Anh Hoangvu Làm sao gắn MViet vào Forum như bản MViet mà Điễn đànĐắc Tài đang sử dụng. GC thấy rất đẹp và thích MViet. Vì là 1 newbie nên ko biết cách nào làm. Mạn Phép xin được các Anh chị bên Diễn đàn Đắc Tài giúp đỡ. Xin Thành thật cảm ơn.
    Similar Threads
  • #2

    ..::~Trích dẫn nguyên văn bởi gocong
    Kinh chào Anh HoangVu,
    GC một lần nữa cám ơn Anh về phần Việt Hóa Forum. Tiện đây cũng muốn hỏi Anh Hoangvu Làm sao gắn MViet vào Forum như bản MViet mà Điễn đàn Đắc Tài đang sử dụng. GC thấy rất đẹp và thích MViet. Vì là 1 newbie nên ko biết cách nào làm. Mạn Phép xin được các Anh chị bên Diễn đàn Đắc Tài giúp đỡ. Xin Thành thật cảm ơn.
    Helo gocong
    Dưới đây là link để gắn mviet vào cho forum asp như Diễn đàn dactai.com đang sử dụng. Bạn chỉ cần chỉnh sửa hai file là
    includes/rte_message_form_inc.asp và includes/message_form_inc.asp theo như link dưới đây
    Error - 404
    sau đó download mviet 12AC và upload lên server kèm theo trong file của forum dưới tên theo như trong file của mviet mvF2 là chúng ta có thể gõ mviet với tiếng Việt được rồi đó.
    Chúc gocong nhiều may mắn.

    Gocong có thể link cho HV để HV xem sao nhé
    Sống trên đời


    • #3

      Dưới đây là toàn bộ bản RTE_message_form_inc.asp

      HTML Code:
      <!--#include file="RTE_setup.asp" -->
      '** Copyright Notice
      '** Web Wiz Guide - Web Wiz Forums
      '** Copyright 2001-2004 Bruce Corkhill All Rights Reserved.
      '** This program is free software; you can modify (at your own risk) any part of it
      '** under the terms of the License that accompanies this software and use it both
      '** privately and commercially.
      '** All copyright notices must remain in tacked in the scripts and the
      '** outputted HTML.
      '** You may use parts of this program in your own private work, but you may NOT
      '** redistribute, repackage, or sell the whole or any part of this program even
      '** if it is modified or reverse engineered in whole or in part without express
      '** permission from the author.
      '** You may not pass the whole or any part of this application off as your own work.
      '** All links to Web Wiz Guide and powered by logo's must remain unchanged and in place
      '** and must remain visible when the pages are viewed unless permission is first granted
      '** by the copyright holder.
      '** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      '** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      '** You should have received a copy of the License along with this program;
      '** if not, write to:- Web Wiz Guide, PO Box 4982, Bournemouth, BH8 8XP, United Kingdom.
      '** No official support is available for this program but you may post support questions at: -
      '** [url="http://www.webwizguide.info"]Web Wiz Windows Web Hosting Services [/url]/forum
      '** Support questions are NOT answered by e-mail ever!
      '** For correspondence or non support questions contact: -
      '** info@webwizguide.info
      '** or at: -
      '** Web Wiz Guide, PO Box 4982, Bournemouth, BH8 8XP, United Kingdom
      'If a private message go to pm post message page otherwise goto post message page
      If strMode = "PM" Then
      strPostPage = "pm_post_message.asp"
      strPostPage = "post_message.asp?PN=" & Trim(Mid(Request.Form("PN"), 1, 8))
      End If
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & "<script language=""JavaScript"" src=""RTE_message_form_js.asp"" type=""text/javascript""></script>" & _
      vbCrLf & "<form method=""post"" name=""frmAddMessage"" action=""" & strPostPage & """ onSubmit=""return CheckForm();"" onReset=""return ResetForm();"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <table width=""610"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""1"" bgcolor=""" & strTableBorderColour & """ height=""230"" align=""center"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"" bgcolor=""" & strTableColour & """ background=""" & strTableBgImage & """ height=""201"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <table width=""100%"" border=""0"" align=""center"" height=""233"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""0"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td colspan=""2"" height=""30"" class=""text"" align=""left"">*" & strTxtRequiredFields & "</td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>")
      'If the poster is in a guest then get them to enter a name
      If lngLoggedInUserID = 2 AND (strMode <> "edit" AND strMode <> "editTopic") Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td align=""right"" width=""15%"" class=""text"">" & strTxtName & "*:</td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td width=""70%"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""text"" name=""Gname"" size=""20"" maxlength=""20"" />" & _
      vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>")
      End If
      'If this is a private message display the username box
      If strMode = "PM" Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td align=""right"" width=""15%"" class=""text"">" & strTxtToUsername & "*:</td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td width=""70%"" class=""text"">")
      'Get the users buddy list if they have one
      'Initlise the sql statement
      strSQL = "SELECT " & strDbTable & "Author.Username "
      strSQL = strSQL & "FROM " & strDbTable & "Author INNER JOIN " & strDbTable & "BuddyList ON " & strDbTable & "Author.Author_ID = " & strDbTable & "BuddyList.Buddy_ID "
      strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE " & strDbTable & "BuddyList.Author_ID=" & lngLoggedInUserID & " AND " & strDbTable & "BuddyList.Buddy_ID <> 2 "
      strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER By " & strDbTable & "Author.Username ASC;"
      'Query the database
      rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""text"" name=""member"" size=""15"" maxlength=""15"" value=""" & Server.HTMLEncode(strBuddyName) & """")
      If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then Response.Write(" onChange=""document.frmAddMessage.selectMember.options[0].selected = true;""")
      Response.Write(" />")
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <a href=""javascript:openWin('pop_up_member_search.asp','profile','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=440,height=255')""><img src=""" & strImagePath & "search.gif"" alt=""" & strTxtMemberSearch & """ border=""0"" align=""absmiddle""></a>")
      'If there are records returned then display the users buddy list
      If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <span class=""text"">" & strSelectFormBuddyList & ":</span>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <select name=""selectMember"" onChange=""member.value=''"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <option value="""">-- " & strTxtNoneSelected & " --</option>")
      'Loop throuhgn and display the buddy list
      Do While NOT rsCommon.EOF
      Response.Write("<option value=""" & rsCommon("Username") & """>" & rsCommon("Username") & "</option>")
      'Move to next record in rs
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " </select>")
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""selectMember"" value="""" />")
      End If
      'Reset server variables
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>")
      End If
      'If this is a new post or editing the first thread then display the subject text box
      If strMode = "new" or strMode="editTopic" or strMode = "PM" or strMode = "poll" Then
      Response.Write(" <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td align=""right"" class=""text"">" & strTxtSubjectFolder & "*:</td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td width=""70%"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""text"" name=""subject"" size=""30"" maxlength=""41""")
      If strMode="editTopic" or strMode="PM" Then Response.Write(" value=""" & strTopicSubject & """")
      Response.Write(" />")
      'If this is the forums moderator or forum admim then let them slect the priority level of the post
      If (blnAdmin = True OR blnPriority = True) AND (strMode = "new" or strMode="editTopic" or strMode = "poll") Then
      Response.Write(" <span class=""text"">&nbsp;" & strTxtPriority & ":" & _
      vbCrLf & " <select name=""priority"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <option value=""0""")
      If intTopicPriority = 0 Then Response.Write(" selected")
      Response.Write(">" & strTxtNormal & "</option>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <option value=""1""")
      If intTopicPriority = 1 Then Response.Write(" selected")
      Response.Write(">" & strTxtPinnedTopic & "</option>")
      'If this is the forum admin or moderator let them post an annoucment to this forum
      If blnAdmin = True OR blnModerator Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <option value=""2""")
      If intTopicPriority = 2 Then Response.Write(" selected")
      Response.Write(""">" & strTopThisForum & "</option>")
      End If
      'If this is the forum admin let them post a priority post to all forums
      If blnAdmin = True Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <option value=""3""")
      If intTopicPriority = 3 Then Response.Write(" selected")
      Response.Write(""">" & strTxtTopAllForums & "</option>")
      End If
      Response.Write(" </select>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </span>")
      End If
      Response.Write(" </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>")
      End If
      'If this is a new poll then display space to enter the poll
      If strMode = "poll" Then
      %><!--#include file="poll_form_inc.asp" --><%
      End If
      Response.Write(" <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td valign=""bottom"" align=""right"" width=""15%"">")
      <!--begin standalone buttons-->
      <table border=1 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 align=center>
      <tr><td align=center valign=middle><div width=30 height=30>
      <img src='./mvF2/images/d_abc.gif' onClick='window.focus(); if (document.all) showBD.innerHTML=Kh3+iFr1+mvKG+iFr2+Kh2; else document.getElementById("showBD").innerHTML=Kh3+iFr1+mvKG0+iFr2+Kh2;' alt='chon dau' width='70' height='23'></td></tr>
      <tr><td align=center valign=middle><div width=30 height=30>
      <img src='./mvF2/images/d_hn.gif' onClick='window.focus(); if (document.all) showBD.innerHTML=Kh3+iFr1+mvHN+iFr2+Kh2; else document.getElementById("showBD").innerHTML=Kh3+iFr1+mvHN0+iFr2+Kh2;' alt='Hoi Nga' width='70' height='23'></td>
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <td width=""70%"" valign=""bottom"">")
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & "<div id=showBD>BoDau mViet</div><div id=jvmdiv></div>")
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""2"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td>")
      'RTE Tool Bar 1
      'Response.Write(" <tr>" & _
      'vbCrLf & " <td valign=""bottom"" align=""right"" width=""15%"">&nbsp;</td>" & _
      'vbCrLf & " <td width=""70%"" valign=""bottom"">" & _
      'vbCrLf & " <table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"">" & _
      'vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      'vbCrLf & " <td>" & _
      'vbCrLf & " <table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""2"">" & _
      'vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      'vbCrLf & " <td>")
      'RTE Tool Bar 1
      %><!--#include file="RTE_toolbar_1.asp" --><% 
      Response.Write(" </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td>")
      'RTE Tool Bar 2
      %><!--#include file="RTE_toolbar_2.asp" --><% 
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <iframe width=""260"" height=""165"" id=""colourPalette"" src=""RTE_colour_palette.asp"" style=""visibility:hidden; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;"" frameborder=""0"" scrolling=""no""></iframe>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </table>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </table>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td valign=""top"" align=""right"" height=""61"" width=""15%"" class=""text"">" & strTxtMessage & "*:")
      '*************** Emoticons *******************
      'If emoticons are enabled show them next to the post window
      If blnEmoticons Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <table border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""4"" align=""center"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr><td class=""smText"" colspan=""3"" align=""center""><br />" & strTxtEmoticons & "</td></tr>")
      'Intilise the index position (we are starting at 1 instead of position 0 in the array for simpler calculations)
      intIndexPosition = 1
      'Calcultae the number of outer loops to do
      intNumberOfOuterLoops = 4
      'If there is a remainder add 1 to the number of loops
      If UBound(saryEmoticons) MOD 2 > 0 Then intNumberOfOuterLoops = intNumberOfOuterLoops + 1
      'Loop throgh th list of emoticons
      For intLoop = 1 to intNumberOfOuterLoops
      'Loop throgh th list of emoticons
      For intInnerLoop = 1 to 3 
      'If there is nothing to display show an empty box
      If intIndexPosition > UBound(saryEmoticons) Then 
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <td class=""text"">&nbsp;</td>")
      'Else show the emoticon
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <td><img src=""" & saryEmoticons(intIndexPosition,3) & """ border=""0"" alt=""" & saryEmoticons(intIndexPosition,1) & """ OnClick=""AddSmileyIcon('" & saryEmoticons(intIndexPosition,3) & "')"" style=""cursor: pointer;""></td>")
      End If
      'Minus one form the index position
      intIndexPosition = intIndexPosition + 1 
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <tr><td colspan=""3"" align=""center""><a href=""javascript:openWin('RTE_emoticons_smilies.asp','emot','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=400,height=400')"" class=""smLink"">" & strTxtMore & "</a></td></tr>")
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " </table></td>")
      End If
      Response.Write(" <td height=""61"" width=""70%"" valign=""top"">")
      'This bit creates a random number to add to the end of the Iframe link as IE will cache the page
      'Randomise the system timer
      Randomize Timer
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <script language=""javascript"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " //Create an iframe" & _
      vbCrLf & " document.write ('<iframe id=""message"" src=""RTE_textbox.asp?mode=" & strMode & "&POID=" & lngMessageID & "&ID=" & CInt(RND * 2000) & """ width=""490"" height=""200"" onMouseOver=""hideColourPallete()""></iframe>')")
      If RTEenabled = "winIE" OR RTEenabled = "winIE5" Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " frames.message.document.designMode = 'On';")
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " </script>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <!-- Display a message for RTE users with JavaScript turned off -->" & _
      vbCrLf & " <noscript><span class=""bold""><br /><br />" & strTxtJavaScriptEnabled & "</span></noscript></td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td align=""right"" width=""92"">&nbsp;</td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td width=""508"" valign=""bottom"" class=""text"">&nbsp;<input type=""checkbox"" name=""forumCodes"" value=""True"" checked />" & strTxtEnable & " <a href=""javascript:openWin('forum_codes.asp','codes','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=550,height=400')"">" & strTxtForumCodes & "</a> " & strTxtToFormatPosts & _
      vbCrLf & " </td></tr>")
      'If not PM then display another row
      If strMode <> "PM" Then
      'If signature of e-mail notify then display row to show
      If (blnLoggedInUserEmail = True AND blnEmail = True) OR blnLoggedInUserSignature = True Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td align=""right"" height=""7"" width=""92"">&nbsp;</td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td height=""7"" width=""508"" valign=""bottom"" class=""text"">")
      'If the user has a signature offer them the chance to show it
      If blnLoggedInUserSignature Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " &nbsp;<input type=""checkbox"" name=""signature"" value=""True""")
      If blnAttachSignature = True Then Response.Write(" checked")
      Response.Write(" />" & strTxtShowSignature & "&nbsp;")
      End If
      'Display e-mail notify of replies option
      If blnEmail AND blnLoggedInUserEmail Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " &nbsp;<input type=""checkbox"" name=""email"" value=""True""")
      If blnReplyNotify Then Response.Write(" checked")
      Response.Write(" />" & strTxtEmailNotify & "&nbsp;")
      End If
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>")
      End If
      'If this is a private e-mail and e-mail is on and the user gave an e-mail address let them choose to be notified when pm msg is read
      ElseIf strMode = "PM" AND blnEmail AND blnLoggedInUserEmail Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td align=""right"" width=""92"">&nbsp;</td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td width=""508"" valign=""bottom"" class=""text"">&nbsp;<input type=""checkbox"" name=""email"" value=""True""><span class=""text"">" & strTxtEmailNotifyWhenPMIsRead & "</span></td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>")
      End If
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""message"" value="""">")
      If strMode <> "PM" Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""mode"" value=""" & strMode & """ />" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""FID"" value=""" & intForumID & """ />" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""TID"" value=""" & lngTopicID & """ />" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""PID"" value=""" & lngMessageID & """ />" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""TPN"" value=""" & intRecordPositionPageNum & """ />")
      'If reply get the thread position number in the topic
      If strMode = "reply" Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""ThreadPos"" value=""" & (intTotalNumOfThreads + 1) & """ />")
      End If
      End If
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""browser"" value=""RTE"" />" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""hidden"" name=""sessionID"" value=""" & Session.SessionID & """ />&nbsp;" & _
      vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " <td height=""2"" width=""70%"" align=""left"">" & _
      vbCrLf & " <p>")
      Dim strGetMessageBoxHTML
      'Set how to get the HTML form the message box for Win IE5 and then for other RTE browsers
      If RTEenabled = "winIE5" Then strGetMessageBoxHTML = "frames.message.document.body.innerHTML;" Else strGetMessageBoxHTML = "document.getElementById('message').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;"
      'Select the correct button for the page
      If strMode="edit" OR strMode = "editTopic" Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" value=""" & strTxtUpdatePost & """ OnClick=""document.frmAddMessage.message.value = " & strGetMessageBoxHTML & """ tabindex=""30"" />")
      ElseIf strMode = "new" OR strMode = "poll" Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" value=""" & strTxtNewTopic & """ OnClick=""document.frmAddMessage.message.value = " & strGetMessageBoxHTML & """ tabindex=""30"" />")
      ElseIf strMode = "PM" Then
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" value=""" & strTxtPostMessage & """ OnClick=""document.frmAddMessage.message.value = " & strGetMessageBoxHTML & """ tabindex=""30"" />")
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" value=""" & strTxtPostReply & """ OnClick=""document.frmAddMessage.message.value = " & strGetMessageBoxHTML & """ tabindex=""30"" />")
      End If
      Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <input type=""button"" name=""Preview"" value=""" & strTxtPreviewPost & """ onClick=""document.frmAddMessage.message.value = " & strGetMessageBoxHTML & " OpenPreviewWindow('post_preview.asp', document.frmAddMessage);"" />" & _
      vbCrLf & " <input type=""reset"" name=""Reset"" value=""" & strTxtClearForm & """ />" & _
      vbCrLf & " <span align=""right"" class=""smtext"">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; " & strTxtXuonghangdon & " </span>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </p>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </table>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </table>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </td>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </tr>" & _
      vbCrLf & " </table>" & _
      vbCrLf & "</form>")
      var folder='./mvF2/'
      if (document.all) document.write('<script language=javascript1.2 src=./mvF2/CVietE.js></script>');
      else document.write('<script language=javascript1.2 src=./mvF2/CVietZ.js></script>')
      <script language=javascript1.2 src=./mvF2/CViet.js ></script>
      <script language="javascript1.2" src=./mvF2/CVietAddOn.js ></script>
      <style type=text/css>@import url(./mvF2/mviet.css);</style>
      <!--End script mviet-->
      Sống trên đời


      • #4

        Và đây là file message_form_inc.asp
        HTML Code:
        'If a private message go to pm post message page otherwise goto post message page
        If strMode = "PM" Then
         strPostPage = "pm_post_message.asp"
         strPostPage = "post_message.asp?PN=" & Trim(Mid(Request.Form("PN"), 1, 8))
        End If
        <script language="JavaScript" src="message_form_js.asp" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <form method="post" name="frmAddMessage" action="<% = strPostPage %>" onReset="return confirm('<% = strResetFormConfirm %>');">
         <table width="610" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="<% = strTableBorderColour %>" height="230" align="center">
            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" bgcolor="<% = strTableColour %>" background="<% = strTableBgImage %>" height="201">
               <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
         <tr align="left">
          <td colspan="2" height="31" class="text">*<% = strTxtRequiredFields %></td>
        'If the poster is in a guest then get them to enter a name
        If lngLoggedInUserID = 2 AND (strMode <> "edit" AND strMode <> "editTopic") Then
          <td align="right" width="15%" class="text"><% = strTxtName %>*:</td>
          <td width="70%"><input type="text" name="Gname" size="20" maxlength="20" /></td>
        End If
        'If this is a private message display the username box
        If strMode = "PM" Then
          <td align="right" width="15%" class="text"><% = strTxtToUsername %>:</td>
          <td width="70%"><%
          'Get the users buddy list if they have one
         'Initlise the sql statement
         strSQL = "SELECT " & strDbTable & "Author.Username "
         strSQL = strSQL & "FROM " & strDbTable & "Author INNER JOIN " & strDbTable & "BuddyList ON " & strDbTable & "Author.Author_ID = " & strDbTable & "BuddyList.Buddy_ID "
         strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE " & strDbTable & "BuddyList.Author_ID=" & lngLoggedInUserID & " AND " & strDbTable & "BuddyList.Buddy_ID <> 2 "
         strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER By " & strDbTable & "Author.Username ASC;"
         'Query the database
         rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon
           %><input type="text" name="member" size="15" maxlength="15" value="<% = Server.HTMLEncode(strBuddyName) %>"<% If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then Response.Write(" onChange=""document.frmAddMessage.selectMember.options[0].selected = true;""") %> />
           <a href="javascript:openWin('pop_up_member_search.asp','profile','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=440,height=255')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>search.gif" alt="<% = strTxtMemberSearch %>" border="0" align="absmiddle"></a><%
         'If there are records returned then display the users buddy list
         If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then %>
           <span class="text"> <% = strSelectFormBuddyList %>:</span>
           <select name="selectMember" onChange="member.value=''" />
             <option value="">-- <% = strTxtNoneSelected %> --</option><%
          'Loop throuhgn and display the buddy list
          Do While NOT rsCommon.EOF
           Response.Write("<option value=""" & rsCommon("Username") & """>" & rsCommon("Username") & "</option>")
           'Move to next record in rs
          Response.Write("<input type=""hidden"" name=""selectMember"" value="""" />")
         End If
         'Reset server variables
        End If
        'If this is a new post or editing the first thread then display the subject text box
        If strMode = "new" or strMode="editTopic" or strMode = "PM" or strMode = "poll" Then
          <td align="right" width="15%" class="text"><% = strTxtSubjectFolder %>*:</td>
          <td width="70%">
           <input type="text" name="subject" size="30" maxlength="41"<% If strMode="editTopic" or strMode="PM" Then Response.Write(" value=""" & strTopicSubject & """") %> /><%
         'If this is the forums moderator or forum admim then let them select the priority level of the post
         If (blnAdmin = True OR blnPriority = True) AND (strMode = "new" or strMode="editTopic" or strMode = "poll") Then
           <span class="text">&nbsp;<% = strTxtPriority %>: <select name="priority">
            <option value="0"<% If intTopicPriority = 0 Then Response.Write(" selected") %>><% = strTxtNormal %></option>
            <option value="1"<% If intTopicPriority = 1 Then Response.Write(" selected") %>><% = strTxtPinnedTopic %></option><%
          'If this is the forum admin or moderator let them post an annoucment to this forum
          If blnAdmin = True OR blnModerator Then %>
            <option value="2"<% If intTopicPriority = 2 Then Response.Write(" selected") %>><% = strTopThisForum %></option><%
          End If
          'If this is the forum admin let them post an announcement post to all forums
          If blnAdmin = True Then %>
            <option value="3"<% If intTopicPriority = 3 Then Response.Write(" selected") %>><% = strTxtTopAllForums %></option>
          End If
         'Else the priority of the post is normal
          Response.Write("<input type=""hidden"" name=""priority"" value=""0"" />")
         End If
        End If
        'If this is a new poll then display space to enter the poll
        If strMode = "poll" Then
         %><!--#include file="poll_form_inc.asp" --><%
        End If
        <td align="right" width="15%" class="text"></td>
        <td width="85%"><div id='showBD' ></div><!--mViet Bo Dau Ca Nhan--></td>
          <td align="right" width="15%"><span class="text"> </span></td>
          <td width="70%" valign="bottom">
           <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
              <table width="477" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
                <td width="346">
          <select name="selectFont" onChange="FontCode(selectFont.options[selectFont.selectedIndex].value, 'FONT');document.frmAddMessage.selectFont.options[0].selected = true;">
           <option selected>-- <% = strTxtFont %> --</option>
           <option value="FONT=Arial">Arial</option>
           <option value="FONT=Courier">Courier New</option>
           <option value="FONT=Times">Times New Roman</option>
           <option value="FONT=Verdana">Verdana</option>
          <select name="selectSize" onChange="FontCode(selectSize.options[selectSize.selectedIndex].value, 'SIZE');document.frmAddMessage.selectSize.options[0].selected = true;">
           <option selected>-- <% = strTxtSize %> --</option>
           <option value="SIZE=1">1</option>
           <option value="SIZE=2">2</option>
           <option value="SIZE=3">3</option>
           <option value="SIZE=4">4</option>
           <option value="SIZE=5">5</option>
           <option value="SIZE=6">6</option>
          <select name="selectColour" onChange="FontCode(selectColour.options[selectColour.selectedIndex].value, 'COLOR');document.frmAddMessage.selectColour.options[0].selected = true;">
           <option value="0" selected>-- <% = strTxtFontColour %> --</option>
           <option value="COLOR=BLACK"><% = strTxtBlack %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=WHITE"><% = strTxtWhite %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=BLUE"><% = strTxtBlue %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=RED"><% = strTxtRed %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=GREEN"><% = strTxtGreen %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=YELLOW"><% = strTxtYellow %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=ORANGE"><% = strTxtOrange %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=BROWN"><% = strTxtBrown %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=MAGENTA"><% = strTxtMagenta %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=CYAN"><% = strTxtCyan %></option>
           <option value="COLOR=LIME GREEN"><% = strTxtLimeGreen %></option>
              <table width="477" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
                <td width="357" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="javascript:AddMessageCode('B','<% = strTxtEnterBoldText %>', '')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_bold.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtBold %>"></a>
          <a href="javascript:AddMessageCode('I','<% = strTxtEnterItalicText %>', '')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_italic.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtItalic %>"></a>
          <a href="javascript:AddMessageCode('U','<% = strTxtEnterUnderlineText %>', '')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_underline.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtUnderline %>"></a>
          <a href="javascript:AddCode('URL')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_hyperlink.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtAddHyperlink %>"></a>
          <a href="javascript:AddCode('EMAIL')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_email.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtAddEmailLink %>"></a>
          <a href="javascript:AddMessageCode('CENTER','<% = strTxtEnterCentredText %>', '')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_centre.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtCentre %>"></a>
          <a href="javascript:AddCode('LIST', '')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_list.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtList %>"></a>
          <a href="javascript:AddCode('INDENT', '')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_indent.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtIndent %>"></a>
          <a href="javascript:AddCode('IMG')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_image.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="<% = strTxtAddImage %>"></a><%
        'If image uploading is allowed have an image upload button
        If blnImageUpload Then
          <a href="javascript:openWin('upload_images.asp?MSG=BSC&FID=<% = intForumID %>','images','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=400,height=150')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_image_upload.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="<% = strTxtImageUpload %>" border="0"></a><%
        End If
        'If file uploading is allowed have an file upload button
        If blnAttachments Then
          <a href="javascript:openWin('upload_files.asp?MSG=BSC&FID=<% = intForumID %>','files','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=400,height=150')"><img src="<% = strImagePath %>post_button_file_upload.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="<% = strTxtFileUpload %>" border="0"></a><%
        End If
                <td width="126" align="right" class="text" nowrap="nowrap"><% = strTxtMode %>:
          <select name="selectMode" onChange=PromptMode(this)>
           <option value="1" selected><% = strTxtPrompt %></option>
           <option value="0"><% = strTxtBasic %></option>
          <td valign="top" align="right" width="15%" class="text"><% = strTxtMessage %>*:<%
        'If emoticons are enabled show them next to the post window
        If blnEmoticons Then
                 <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" align="center">
                  <tr><td class="smText" colspan="3" align="center"><br /><% = strTxtEmoticons %></td></tr><%
         'Intilise the index position (we are starting at 1 instead of position 0 in the array for simpler calculations)
         intIndexPosition = 1
         'Calcultae the number of outer loops to do
         intNumberOfOuterLoops = 4
         'If there is a remainder add 1 to the number of loops
         If UBound(saryEmoticons) MOD 2 > 0 Then intNumberOfOuterLoops = intNumberOfOuterLoops + 1
         'Loop throgh th list of emoticons
         For intLoop = 1 to intNumberOfOuterLoops
          'Loop throgh th list of emoticons
          For intInnerLoop = 1 to 3  
           'If there is nothing to display show an empty box
           If intIndexPosition > UBound(saryEmoticons) Then 
            Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <td class=""text"">&nbsp;</td>")
           'Else show the emoticon
            Response.Write(vbCrLf & " <td class=""text""><a href=""javascript:AddSmileyIcon('" & saryEmoticons(intIndexPosition,2) & "')""><img src=""" & saryEmoticons(intIndexPosition,3) & """ border=""0"" alt=""" & saryEmoticons(intIndexPosition,2) & """></a></td>")
                        End If
                       'Minus one form the index position
                       intIndexPosition = intIndexPosition + 1 
                 <tr><td colspan="3" align="center"><a href="javascript:openWin('emoticons_smilies.asp','emot','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=400,height=400')" class="smLink"><% = strTxtMore %></a></td></tr>
        End If
          <td width="70%" valign="top">
           <textarea name="message" cols="57" rows="12" wrap="PHYSICAL" onSelect="storeCaret(this);" onClick="storeCaret(this);" onKeyup="storeCaret(this);"><% If strMode="edit" OR strMode = "quote" or strMode="editTopic" or strMode="PM" Then Response.Write strMessage %></textarea>
          <td align="right" width="92">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="508" valign="bottom" class="text">&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="forumCodes" value="True" checked /><% Response.Write(strTxtEnable & " <a href=""javascript:openWin('forum_codes.asp','codes','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=550,height=400')"">" & strTxtForumCodes & "</a> " & strTxtToFormatPosts) %>
        'If not PM then display another row
        If strMode <> "PM" Then
         'If signature of e-mail notify then display row to show
         If (blnLoggedInUserEmail = True AND blnEmail = True) OR blnLoggedInUserSignature = True Then
          <td align="right" width="92">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="508" valign="bottom" class="text"><%
          'If the user has a signature offer them the chance to show it
          If blnLoggedInUserSignature = True Then
         %>  &nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="signature" value="True"<% If blnAttachSignature = True Then Response.Write(" checked") %> /><% = strTxtShowSignature %>&nbsp;<%
          End If
          'Display e-mail notify of replies option
          If blnEmail = True AND blnLoggedInUserEmail = True Then
         %>  &nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="email" value="True"<% If blnReplyNotify = True Then Response.Write(" checked") %> /><% = strTxtEmailNotify %>&nbsp;<%
          End If
         End If
        'If this is a private e-mail and e-mail is on and the user gave an e-mail address let them choose to be notified when pm msg is read
        ElseIf strMode = "PM" AND blnEmail = True AND blnLoggedInUserEmail Then
          <td align="right" width="92">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="508" valign="bottom" class="text">&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="email" value="True" /><% = strTxtEmailNotifyWhenPMIsRead %>
        End If
        If NOT strMode = "PM" Then  %>
          <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<% = strMode %>" />
          <input type="hidden" name="FID" value="<% = intForumID %>" />
          <input type="hidden" name="TID" value="<% = lngTopicID %>" />
          <input type="hidden" name="PID" value="<% = lngMessageID %>" />
          <input type="hidden" name="TPN" value="<% = intRecordPositionPageNum %>" /><%
          'If reply get the thread position number in the topic
          If strMode = "reply" Then %>
          <input type="hidden" name="ThreadPos" value="<% = (intTotalNumOfThreads + 1) %>" /><%
         End If
        End If %>
          <input type="hidden" name="sessionID" value="<% = Session.SessionID %>" />
         <td width="70%" align="left">
        'Select the button for this page
        If strMode="edit" OR strMode = "editTopic" Then
         Response.Write("   <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" value=""" & strTxtUpdatePost & """ onClick=""return CheckForm();"" />")
        ElseIf strMode = "new" OR strMode = "poll" Then
         Response.Write("   <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" value=""" & strTxtNewTopic & """ onClick=""return CheckForm();"" />")
        ElseIf strMode = "PM" Then
         Response.Write("   <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" value=""" & strTxtPostMessage & """ onClick=""return CheckForm();"" />")
         Response.Write("   <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" value=""" & strTxtPostReply & """ onClick=""return CheckForm();"" />")
        End If
           <input type="button" name="Preview" value="<% = strTxtPreviewPost %>" onClick="OpenPreviewWindow('post_preview.asp', document.frmAddMessage);" />
           <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="<% = strTxtResetForm %>" />
        var folder='./mvF2/'
        if (document.all) document.write('<script language=javascript1.2 src=./mvF2/CVietE.js></script>');
        else document.write('<script language=javascript1.2 src=./mvF2/CVietZ.js></script>')
        <script language=javascript1.2  src=./mvF2/CViet.js ></script>
        <script language="javascript1.2" src=./mvF2/CVietAddOn.js ></script>
        <style type=text/css>@import url(./mvF2/mviet.css);</style>
        <!--End script mviet-->
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        • #5

          Tải mviet mvF2 xuống tại đây:
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          • #6

            Các bạn có biết phiên bản nào của MViệt chạy trên OS Linux


            • #7

              ..::~Trích dẫn nguyên văn bởi BayTy
              Các bạn có biết phiên bản nào của MViệt chạy trên OS Linux
              Theo HV thì không rõ nên chưa dám trả lời được. Mong BT cảm thông nhé. Có thể để HV liên lạc với mViet xem sao.
              Sống trên đời


              • #8

                ..::~Trích dẫn nguyên văn bởi hoangvu
                ..::~Trích dẫn nguyên văn bởi BayTy
                Các bạn có biết phiên bản nào của MViệt chạy trên OS Linux
                Theo HV thì không rõ nên chưa dám trả lời được. Mong BT cảm thông nhé. Có thể để HV liên lạc với mViet xem sao.
                BT thử dùng mViet vesion dưới đây xem sao nhé
                Error - 404
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